Powerful in the Holy Ghost

There is so much power in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I don’t know if we know how much power we really have access to. I do not know if we understand the power that resides in us is through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Today, if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, I implore you to try him today.  Try accessing that life changing power today.   I truly believe that we have various opportunities throughout the day to Minister to the needs of others. With such great access to such great power, why are we holding back??? Could it be that we are so busy with life that we miss our heavenly opportunities?

We do not even have the imagination of what the Holy Spirit can, will, shall, and must do through us. Will you even try today? Don’t miss a moment to show God’s Love, Majesty, Mercy, Grace, Power, Miracles, Signs, and/or His Wonders.

As I was reading my devotional today it took me to Acts 3.  Peter and John have been recently baptized with fire in the Holy Spirit. They are about to enter the temple and run into a man at the gate called Beautiful. The Bible said he was a lame man and had been that way for 40 years, since birth as a matter of fact. He was there begging for money which is what he did daily.

When the apostles see this man the first thing, they did was felt compassion for him. The ministry that Jesus operated in all the time, kicked in and they began to engage him by speaking to him. Next, they gave him something, not what he wanted or what he asked for. But how many of you know that if you have been unable to walk for 40 years…. I believe it is safe to say that the lame man knew and felt like this was his lot in life. His thoughts could possibly have been I will be like this for the rest of my life. The rest of my days I will be unable to walk, unable to provide for myself or my family without coming here and begging. I think it is a safe It is safe to say that he was relegated to this position and or posture.

However, here comes the Disruptors (Peter and John) with their no having silver and gold selves.  Answering the lame man responded by saying this is what I have for you.  Take up your bed and walk in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene. And suddenly, his feet felt something that they had never felt before. Power surged in his body and he began to stand up in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible said at once he stood up. He began to walk around on his new legs and feet. And entered into the temple, leaping and jumping and praising God.

So once again, my brothers and sisters, I implore you to access the power of the Holy Spirit that God has granted you and Jesus gifted you. Go out today and throughout your day and throughout your week seek who you can bless with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Who will cross your path today or tomorrow? And You will access the power of the Holy Spirit, operate in the ministry that Jesus called You to, and witness the power of the Holy Spirit move on behalf of the person you are praying for.

Yours in Christ

Dr. Carla Mormon, Th. D.

The FAITH Coach